No, not stiff arming fellow workers into joining a union. Not the kind of organizing that's intended to launch a political career either. I bought a bunch of shelving and cabinets and spent a couple of weekends clearing out a lot of the scrap wood, tile etc that was in the garage and moving it to places either for long term storage, or in the case of the slate tiles, close to the back patio where they will be laid on top of the concrete for the future grill area.
In the garage, we bought metal "gear" cabinets from Lowes. Unfortunately, these came unassembled and came with an awful lot of screws, bolts etc. Not hard to do but tedious, even with the power screwdriver.
(I should have taken a picture of the unassembled parts for effect!)
The two cabinets have five shelves each. There are two base cabinets with a hard top that I originally was going to place between, but we were in Costco and they had this great maple top work bench, 8 foot wide and coated with polyurethane that was a great price. Looks good enough for inside. The base cabinets had a good spot underneath the window. I bought mounting racks to go over the bench, on which will hang a couple of wall mount cabinets and other storage units. Whenever I feel like dealing with all the screws and such again.
The floor is still somewhat messy, even though I used that monstrous shop vac there in the picture, there is a lot of drywall spackle on the concrete, and the cardboard is for oil pickup. The back wall here was filled with leftover wood from the trim work. That all made it down to the shed.
We'll probably move the stuff out again to paint the walls, when it warms up. Then I can put up the wall mounts.
The cabinets had to fit around the control boxes, on the left for the Invisible Fence and the right for the sprinkler system.
I'm still working on snow-blower parking. It's a big piece and seems to fit here alright, but Lori's car is parked outside at the moment while I did the garage rearranging and we'll see how maneuverable everything is once the car is in. Won't do to pull the car out without being able to clear off the snow. Shoveling isn't a good option anymore, because I don't want too.
We had a number of stainless steel racks/shelving already. Those were working out well, particularly with the rolling casters. So I bought seven more units of various sizes. For now, they are in the "secret storage room", located behind the bar through the hidden passage.
It's hard to tell from the picture but there are five racks in here. Another was placed in the garage, and one in the under deck "shed". The garage and shed units are pretty solid, holding 600 pounds per shelf, with the large unite five feet wide and 2 feet deep, 6 feet high.
The shed was initially a four sided retaining wall that was to be filled with dirt, but we had an opening cut and put in a garage style door in the front.
The shelving on the right has been in here for awhile. The wood fits nicely on the top, Lori's pots and gardening stuff on some of the other shelves. A lot of that will come out during planting time. The slabs in the back are leftover marble and granite. Hopefully we'll find a use for it..
The left side has one of the new shelves, and Lori's gardening bench which can be wheeled to where it's needed.
The room is well insulated, as the back and right wall are underground and the left wall is foundation wall for the house. It makes for a decent cigar smoking room, hence the chair and the heater. The atmosphere isn't great inside, but the view out the door is.
Lori didn't get her green house with the landscaping. With the concrete heated floors and wall of windows, I expect that the downstairs great room will be put to gardening use as a starter site.